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Tirukkural Handbook

This book is bilingual in format. Every word of its content is in two languages, Tamil & English. The intent is to make familiar to you as a non-Tamil reader, Tamil’s great past, its contribution to human thought and culture, its potential for a great future so that you can understand the Tamil diaspora comprising of 70 million Tamils in almost every part of the world.

You are most welcome to explore the Tamil’s great universal ethical masterpiece Tirukkural (Section 1) in its entirety and beauty, written by Thiruvalluvar before Christ. You can  see why this Tamil scripture is truly unique in its appeal to the universal Man. You will see and experience why unlike any other scripture Tirukkural transcends national boundaries, historical time lines, society limitations, language barriers, and makes great sense and relevance even today and for all times to come.

You can further explore in Section 2, the Handbook of Tamil Culture & Heritage, about the Tamil civilization that made Tirukkural possible in many perspectives. After that a quick overview of Tamil splendor in Section 3, the Guide to Tamils Future caps it by pointing the ways and means of how along with Tamils you can personally benefit and continue the journey to reach new heights.

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