
For us privacy for our valued customer is very important. We do not share personal information of our customers with third party(ies) without the prior consent or request from the customer. The information of the customer such as contact no., email, addresses etc is used only for the internal purpose and not for sale. Your contact information is stored in our database and is only used to contact you regarding your purchase and then after for announcement of our latest deals and news etc.

Secure Online Payments:

The visitor on our website please take a note that your name, email address and other personal information submitted on our website may be stored with us and may also appear on the website. Like other platforms our server log files also receives general information such as IP address of the visitor, cookie etc. For the financial transactions by credit card  International Tamil Language Foundation / ITFL / use third party (ies) secure payment gateway  and the credit card details are ‘not stored’ with  ITFL, instead the information is securely stored and encrypted with Paypal/Visa/MasterCard etc.

Smart Cookies:

We use ‘Cookies’ to keep track of your current shopping session to personalize your experience and so that you may retrieve your shopping cart at any time.

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